
Guess the location based on the iNaturalist observations!

Welcome to iNatGuessr. A Guessr-style game where you are given a selection of images from iNaturalist observations. From these images it is your task to work out where they are from. When you make a guess the actual location will be revealed. The game is played over 5 rounds with 5000 points per round. Good luck!

Try a game variation: Everything, everywhere 🌍 | Birds 🐦🌍 | Plants 🌳🌲🌴🌍 | Herptiles 🐸🦎🐊🌍 | Fish 🐟🐠🌍 | USA Only πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Create a custom game: You can specify a taxonomic group in the url by adding '?taxon_id=12345' and replace 12345 with the desired taxonomic ID. Similarly, you can specify a place in the url by by adding '?place_id=12345' and replace 12345 with the desired place ID. You can specify multiple IDs by using comma separated values eg. '?place_id=12345,12346'. Want more than just places and taxa? You can use any of the normal iNaturalist search parameters.

By Simon Rolph v0.1.3