section customization
The content in topic-cards is organized using a tree-structure of topic sections.
The structure and names of these sections comes from the “src/data/sections.js” file.
Each section can define the following fields:
name | description |
ID | ID-name, this is the section object-key by which the sections are processed in Conzept. This ID is also used for localizing section names. |
icon | Optional: Icon-classes, either taken from FontAwesome or from OpenMoji. |
sub | Optional: Section-branch, which is used to define sub-sections within a section. Sections can have unlimited sub-sections. |
To add or remove sections, you edit the “sections.js” file as needed and execute “npm run build”.
In field customization you can see how links can be added to these sections.
Below is a snippet from that file, showing the sections for: “main”, “meta” and “media”. The Conzept rendered output is shown next to it.
'main': { 'icon' : '', }, 'meta': { 'icon' : '', }, 'media': { 'icon' : '', 'sub' : { 'media-video': { 'icon' : 'fas fa-video', }, 'media-image': { 'icon' : 'far fa-images', }, 'media-audio': { 'icon' : 'fas fa-volume-up', }, 'media-software': { 'icon' : 'far fa-window-restore', }, }, },