used projects
This is a list of the various software projects integrated into Conzept (called “apps” in this context).
background services
- json-proxy - JSON CORS-proxy with support for secret-API-keys (MIT)
- allOrigins - general CORS-proxy (any file type). (MIT)
embedded apps
- filter-browse - SPARQL-based filtered browsing (Anvesha, GPL v2)
- occurence map - OpenLayers-based map webcomponent used for rendering GBIF API-based taxon-occurence data (and extra map-layers) (selfmade)
- compare - compare to wikidata items (WikiCompare, MIT)
- coverhex - hex-tiles topic-list display (selfmade)
- elements - periodic table elements (, MIT)
- event - Wikidata event data (UniversalAlmanac, GPL v3)
- iiif - universal IIIF viewer (UniversalViewer, MIT)
- links - Wikipedia-article link-graph viewer (wikipedia-map, MIT)
- map3d - 3D satellite/terrain map viewer (procedural-gl-js, MPL)
- map-search, historic map search tool with overlay functionality (map-search, MIT)
- feed - RSS / Atom feed-rendering tool (using the jquery-rss library, MIT)
- nearby - nearby points of Wikipedia and Wikidata articles, WikiShootme, GPL)
- text-identification (currently offline, due to limited VPS RAM resources) - converts an image of text via “Optical Character Recognition” (using Tesseract.js, MIT), to a named-entity-linked text (using a self-hosted Spacy NER API, MIT). (In-Browser-OCR, GPL v3)
- map - 2D/3D map viewer based on OpenStreet Map and terrain-elevation data (OpenGlobus, MIT)
- openseadragon (used for zooming into images on Wikipedia pages) - image-zoom, (OpenSea Dragon, license )
- osmbuildings - 3D map of OpenStreetMap buildings, (osmbuildings, MIT)
- overpass - overpass API middleware (overpass-turbo, BSD-style)
- query - Wikibase Query Service GUI, GPL-2.0+ or Apache License
- response - URL-API middle-ware for rendering HTML-snippets from various data-inputs. Used for rendering one or more IIIF-images in Universal Viewer (self-made)
- space-object - view the orbit of space-objects, (EarthStation, MIT)
- stock - stock-price graph viewer (selfmade)
- timespace - (tempo-spatial display, GPL v2)
- timeline (geo-timeline) (GPL v3)
- wikipedia - Wikipedia article rendering (selfmade)
- commons-qid (“View it!”) - Wikimedia Commons Qid-based image query tool, (website, source, license?)
- commons-sparql (“View it!”) - Wikimedia Commons SPARQL-based image query tool, (website, source, license?)
- experience : chess - (chess game with AI, Betafish, MIT) (TODO: add “Portable Game Notation” support for sequences of moves and perhaps whole chess games.)
- quiz : streetquiz - street quiz tool (back-of-your-hand, MIT)
- quiz : nature location - iNaturalist based nature-location quiz tool (, MIT)
sidebar widgets
- SPARQL structured-query-builder, query-builder, BSD 3-clause)
- category-tree - Wikipedia category-tree browser (selfmade)
- ambient audio - ambient audio player (selfmade)
various code
- random canvas background, original by Johan Karlsson (MIT)
- color palette extraction, (MIT)
- Free Font Awesome icon set (Font Awesome Free License)
- PodcastFont icon set (AGPL)
- Country flag icon set
- Former-country flag icons